The Good, The Bad, The Family
Annalyse is a licensed marriage and family therapist in New Mexico. She brings her experience with couples and families into every episode. Annalyse discusses the impact that culture and society has on relationships, explores ways to heal and overcome the challenges of every day life, and enjoys spilling the tea on how pop culture influences post-modern relationships. Her guests include other professionals in the field and, of course, she could never leave out her own family members! We’re so glad you’re here!

Thursday May 26, 2022
Thursday May 26, 2022
Books, podcasts, brochures, and resources discuss grief in relation to the loss of a loved one. But grief expands beyond death and has no limits to its reach. We grieve for any change in our life, from the smallest differences to the biggest losses. Grief touches us when we change a daily routine or habit and reaches deep into our body when we move away from our family or hometown. In this episode I explore the grief of a military spouse and ways we can transform through our grief.
Find more on my website or follow me on Instagram!
*Here are the journal prompts recommended in this episode:
Describe what your grief feels like to you.
What messages did you learn about grief and how are they blocking you from trusting, thinking, and feeling?
Reclaim your thoughts and feelings. Create a timeline of the losses you’ve experienced over your lifetime. Ask yourself, how are these losses impacting my life?

Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
In this episode I am joined by my peer, friend, classmate, and fellow military spouse, Trisha Johnson. Trisha is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in North Carolina and Marine Spouse of 15 years. She shares her story of being a spouse and military family, and working with military members and their family. I am always amazed by Trisha's knowledge and compassion for her job and family.
If you want to learn more about Trisha and her work check out Moments Matter Therapy online or on Instagram!

Friday Apr 08, 2022
Friday Apr 08, 2022
Join me in a new series I'm calling, "The Good, The Bad, The Military Family," where I join in conversation with military spouses about the hardships and struggles of military life and military culture.
For more follow me on Instagram and check out my website!

Monday Mar 07, 2022
Monday Mar 07, 2022
On this episode I explore cancel culture with my dad and brother. We share a lot of thoughts and feelings about the purpose of cancel culture and the potential damage it causes to society. We also explore how cancel culture is a result of society lacking the ability to cope with strong feelings... what's the solution? Listen to our answers and let me know what you think! Find me on instagram @aluceromft or email me!

Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
In this episode I explore feelings of resentment and grief, and how relationships can be a powerful tool in helping us work through and process what we're experiencing.
If you want more content, follow me on Instagram or checkout my Blog!

Friday Feb 18, 2022
Friday Feb 18, 2022
Today is special, I share the latest episode from my Kids podcast, Pineapple, Orange, Banana. It's a really important topic, for adults and children, and includes a mindfulness exercise body scan. I think everyone will benefit from this conversation. I hope you enjoy. Please also find me on instagram @alucermft and share what you think!

Sunday Feb 13, 2022
Sunday Feb 13, 2022
In this episode I sit down with my cousin, Matthew. Over coffee and tea, we share our thoughts about generational issues that have influenced culture, family, mental health, self care, and so much more. I’m so grateful to Matthew for being open and vulnerable, and for sharing his experience of coming out to his family, his relationship with alcohol, and how he finds himself in a deep ocean of information, culture, emotions, and self awareness.
Make sure you subscribe to my podcast so you never miss an episode, and for more content visit my website.

Monday Jan 31, 2022
Monday Jan 31, 2022
Welcome to this episode series, Tea Time, where I share in discussions with the women in my life. We'll spill the tea, and our opinions, on hot topics and current events. There is nothing like the point of view of a woman. Enjoy!

Sunday Jan 16, 2022
Sunday Jan 16, 2022
Join my family and me as we continue the conversation on New Year Transformations as we begin the new year of 2022!

Friday Jan 07, 2022
Friday Jan 07, 2022
Happy New Year and Happy Season 3!!! Join me in a discussion about change, grief, and transformation as we move into this new year.